The Quran and the Science :

THE QURAN and THE SCIENCE (Ali K. Pekkendir)

In Scientific method, ideas or questions are the first step, then comes the hypothesis, then the research, then the theory or prediction, then testing in a laboratory (indoors or outdoors), then analysing the results, then replication, then external review of the results and finally recording and sharing the data…

i think we must separate between a Theory and a Universal Fact/Law which is often called the Natural Law by mistake, whilst it is Sunnatullah a “Divine Law”…

Quran is not a Science Book but since it is the Interpretation of the Book of the Universe, it is telling us about the universe, galaxies, stars, earth, animals, plants, human embryo etc. the art-work of the Creator in order to manifest the Names and Attributes of the Creator… not to talk about Science only.. however The Scientific Laws and Certainties should confirm and corraborate the Information / Revelation of the Quran since both are talking about the Art Works of Allah Almighty…

Recently many astro-physics experts have been writing books and articles about the Invisible Parts of the Universe, Dark Matter and Dark Energy and Parallel Universe / Universes… they claim these invisible parts form 95 % of the Entire Universe and base their theories on mathematical calculations on gravitational balance of the expanding universe… so they come very close to the Quranic concept (even Biblical concept) of The Visible Universe (Alam al Shahadah) and Invisible Universe (Alam al Ghaib)… and the Universe of Similitude (Alam al Mithal)…

Faith is about belief in the invisible… if some scientists are getting closer to the Truths of the Quran, this will help reduce Atheism and Materialism in the world…

As Ustad Said Nursi put it :

“As Time grows older, The Quran grows younger and its signs become more apparent.

That Divine Address rends the veil of Nature and Causes.

It sheds the light of Divine Unity continuously from every verse. It raises the veil of the Manifest World, cast over the Unseen World.”

The Words – 768


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